Skandinavian News 6
Skandinavian News - Issue 6 (1988-12)(Accession).adf
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61 lines
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#screen hires
#colors from "Guru"
#pens 9,0
New SN Editor.........
May I introduce myself: my name is
Grendel (of Byterapers Inc. Intl.) and
it seems I'm now the newest editor in
Skandinavian News. Preferably full-
time editor, maybe part-time edit or or
whatever it becomes, depends on how
much time i've got left for writing to
SN after my all other work.
Many of you propably have found a
bell ringing in your heads when heard
name 'Grendel'. You're right, it's me,
the person about whom has been so much
jokes, stories and abuses in the
numerous pages of SN. You should know
I'm not quite like as TWS and Growl
have written, you s hould have lots of
sense of humour while reading their
stories about me, as we're all good
friends and abusing is just normal way
to behave between each other (got it,
Mystyx? I'm not in war with TWS/Growl,
even I admit it looks a lot like it
for an outsider).
A short info about me: I'm a not-at-
#move 325,0
all-typical Finnish young in age of 18
proud years, owning a C64 ( with 2
drives, printer and several hundreds
of floppies) and an Amiga 500, with
just a few disks at the mom (bought it
just very short time ago), but soon
I'll have two external drives ready
for haard copying. I started computing
4-5 years ago, built the group called
Byterapers Inc. with the other founder
Kasper in spring of '87, were terrible
lame (superlamers) for 6 long months
but then started to rise up fast. In
the new year 88 (B) was Finland's C64
NO:1, and I one of the fastest
swappers. This continued long, I was
very fast (quitted school - no work),
but now in 26.11. I've stopped my
active swapping on 64, after a long
and very succesful career. Many people
used to say I was the fastest Finnish
64 swapper - I don't know but it's
possible I really was it. I'm now
slowly concentrating to my Amiga, so
watch out for me in the future.
I can't guarantee you'll be on stage
as much as other SN editors, because